I was thrilled to discover (thanks, Rebecca) that Blogger chose my blog as a "Blog of Note" on Feb18th (yesterday).
Thanks Blogger, you rock!
Also, happy to see my friend David MacMahon's blog was nominated as well.
**an update** Just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you who stopped by to leave your wishes. I am overwhelmed at the wonderful response and attention my rather humble blog has been receiving...thank you so very much! My whole aim in starting this blog was to spread the love of reading and to get involved with a reading community. I welcome all of you to my blog, please visit often. Thank you!
Congratulations Lotus! A well deserved recognition that doesn't surprise me or any of your readers!
Congratulations for being a Blog of Note.
Congratulations! I'm glad I found your blog. I'm always looking for good reads.
Congrats =) I've never been at your blog before but I definitely will be coming back! And I haven't looked through your posts but have you ever read the Elegance of the Hedgehog? I fell in love with the book it's great =)
Congratulations!! ; )
Just curious...have you seen the website goodreads.com...and what's your opinion on it?
PS I was brought here by the Blog of Note selection :) Congrats!
PPS I'm desi as well!
Nick Arora
congrats! your blog has a very nice simple look! would you mind if i add it to my fav blogs? :)
Congrats, funnily enough I just walked onto your blog by clicking on that exact link! =O
Congrats!!! Love the site:)
*a site of young adult book reviews
Congratulations on being chosen as a Blog of Note. Whoever does the choosing was right to award you with the honor. I've enjoyed reading your most recent reviews of books. I checked out The Corpse Walker but found that the events in my life didn't allow me the time to read it. I'll have to give it another try. The Girl from Foreign sounds intriguing as well. I'll be back again to see what you read next!
congrats!! well done, im soo proud of u ....
Don't you just love WORDLES. They are cool. Nice job on yours.
Good evening,
After blogging all afternoon, my eyeballs are dried up & tired. I was getting ready to happily log off and join my family downstairs when I saw LOTUS READS in Blog of Note.
In Asian astrology, Lotus is my flower. I'm also a librarian. So I had to fly over and take a look-see.
What a fantabulous blog you have here.
I esp. enjoyed reading your Indian posts (I went to India in 2007).
I will have to join the crowd and follow along.
Glad to meet you.
Congratulations for being "A Blog Of Note"
Congratulations! Just found your blog through the blogs of note, and I'm very glad I did! Now I have books to put on my to-do list for the summer! Thanks!! You have a new regular reader ;)
Good morning Lotus,
Auntie is back for a second look at your blog. My eyes are not as tired and dried-out as before.
WOW, I'm now seeing things I didn't catch last night.
This blog of yours will be one of those blogs I will begin my day with even before I look at my own blog!
I do think your blog is nice ;)
yey for you!
That's how I have discovered your blog :)
And what a coincidence, I just starte mine on literature too! I'm gonna visit yours right now!
I'm glad I took a peak @ blogs of note today... you have an excellent blog! Congratulations! :)
Lotus you definitly deserve the recognition awarded to you. Congrats
Fred Smilek is the acting president of the Society to Save Endangered Species. It was founded two years ago by Fred Smilek along with his two best friends Charles and Jonathan. http://www.fredjsmilek.com
Way to go! Keep it going! First time here. Will frequent more.
Congrats on being a Blog of Note! Super cool site! ;)
Cool Beans, very Cool Beans!!
Good job.
Welcome to my blog feed.
Congrats girl:)
well deserved.
congrats Lotus. a very well deserved mention indeed.
Good work : )
cool blog
Congratz! Your blog deserves accolades higher than this. I know reading is time-consuming and then to have the impressions scribbled for a quality post is yet more demanding. Keep it up.
Congrats on your famous blog - a lot of time and trouble and I imagine, fun! Thank God for books! Is that you in the profile pic with the bharatnatyam headgear?
Good work, I can tell you put alot of time and work into your blog. http://timeoutdoors.blogspot.com/
It'll be a great feeling to be recognized so. Well done.
Usually I dont check blog of notes frequently , but today it was different and I am glad I did.
Congrats and will try to come here frequently.
Congrats! I love reading too. I just thought I'd poke around and looked at the Blogs Of Note and saw your blog listed.
Congrats on the Blog Of Note! :)
Ive been searching for new reads. Im glad I found your blog to give me some ideas!
Hi! Nice to know that Blogger chose your blog as "Blog of Note" last Feb. 18th.. I hope someday Blogger discover mine too. Anyway, I just found your blog on my friend's profile who is Count Sneaky. Congratulations! Keep it up! :D
Auntie is back!
I must tell you Lotus, your blog has actually motivated me to read MORE. I know it sounds shallow, but your blog makes reading look so cool and fun. As a librarian I often feel reading is just part of the job (like a tiresome chore). Thanks for rekindling my fondness!
Lotus, I loved your blog. I'm pretty fond of reading myself; and found your blog pretty interesting. Am very fascinated with China as a country & your blog on the books on China was great. Have the books on my bookshelf now :) The Eric Meola books also looks fascinating. Thanks.
Good luck & Happy writing
You shine as a blogger!
You definitely deserve to be a blog of note. I'm really glad that I found this one. Keep up the great content.
Oh how cool! I 'know' someone famous. Congratulations!
Cool! Congratulations. Well done!
Congratulations. It is a well deserved honor and long overdue!
many congrats; you are now famous around the world
heartiest congrats lr,though belated.you motivate me to read books about which i have never heard.when i am down, i invariably turn to your blog. that cheers me up. god bless you.
Pretty interesting blog you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such topics and everything connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
Avril Smith
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